The day we left Seattle was when we found out we had a place to stay. Our plan was to stay with one of the two families who have invited us to visit for a while now. However, that didn’t work out. Both families were busy hosting or moving, etc. We had forgot about another family we know who lived there, and last minute called them. They were so gracious to host us and have visitors when they were probably expecting a quiet normal weekend.

Gods plan prevailed, again!

Our 2 big kids and their kids are the same age and so they had a blast playing and laughing with each other. Our kids had a hard time saying goodbye to these wonderful kids who have the same heart for people and God that our kids have. It blessed my heart to know that God cares about the details.

We also spent some time with an old friend of Patrick’s, whom we look up to, since they have 4 kids under 5. The kids had more fun with another set of kids. And Promise found her heart sister.

Spokane was a hard place to leave when there are good people who we look up to.

God also provided again with our tires needing to be rotated. One of our hosts volunteered to help us do that. I am constantly speaking out my thankfulness and joy, and now the kids are too! Josiah got in the car after being in the cold, and Praised God for the warm car!

We stopped in Coer D’Alene on the way from Spokane to Whitefish, Mt. We have a friend there that a year ago started a church. It was so great to talk with him and hear his vision and how they do life in this small, adorable, beautiful town. He took us to the lake and it was incredible! It would be a magical place to come in the winter time.


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